Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Weird Mom-confession Wednesday

It was 2:00 today before I realized that I didn’t brush my teeth yet.  
The worst part is, it was a mellow day.  I totally had the time.

Did everyone catch the jcrew sale? It ends tomorrow.  
Think I’m gonna get this scarf

and this bangle

Been watching lots of this lately.  
I <3 netflix 

Obsessing over Saucy Glossie's picture of this yet to be released Kate Spade watch.  Definitely adding that to my mother’s day list. 

Also here is some new music.  The kids are really into it i guess.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Maudlin Monday 2

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about expectations.  I’ve been getting the reality smack down and it isn’t pretty.  For example I expect to look like this
but in actuality I look like this

The worst part about expectations is that they don’t just affect you, they bleed onto your loved ones.  Recently, I had the pleasure of hearing Kimber De'Valle speak about gentleness.  
She was so candid and pure.  Embarrassingly I was so affected by it that I erupted in tears. 
I guess what I'm getting at is that, my expectations have lead to disappointment.  Whether its feeling guilty for being disappointed or just feeling entitled then let down, resentment set in.  This resentment is unhealthy and leaks hazardous waste.  I’ve been practicing gentleness and I have to say that already I’ve seen a change in not only Camilla’s behavior (shock!) but also in my marriage.

Photo courtesy of

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Shaky Saturday

Dear Los Angeles Zoo,
I hate you.  Sorry Betty White.

Camilla has a definite love/hate relationship with the zoo.  Every time I take her I swear that I'll never do it again.  She goes from extreme highs and lows.  It doesn't help that the shuttle is NEVER running, its ALWAYS hot even in the middle of winter, each exhibit is miles apart and somehow manages to always be uphill.  In spite of this she asks to go to the zoo at least 4x a week and this week's playdates and planning all fell through and I wanted to avoid a disappointing end to the week so...I caved.  Above a sweet moment with Penelope before leaving, then a few taken on the  carousel in between meltdowns.

Today we went to the americana at brand.  Oddly enough it was Andy's idea.  Typically I love to go there for the farmer's market, food trucks (what up coolhaus), JCrew, and of course my love- Kate Spade.  Camilla loves the musical fountain, petting zoo, and the wide open lawn.  The bummer is the playground, which is ideally suited for 7 year olds, and filled with mean children who's parents just dump them and disappear.  Camilla is a runner so if I'm on my own it is a little more difficult I usually have to bribe with lollipops and threaten to leave.  Luckily today I had Andy and we just switched off cuddling with Pen and chasing after CS.